We would love to hear from you. However, We know you may be in a situation where emailing an address with @tieandhighheels might make life difficult for you. No worries, we got you covered.
We will not use any names in the podcast or this site unless you give us permission to do so, and we will definitely ask before anything.
Your Options
Option 1:
If you are okay sending an email directly to us, use the email link below.
Option 2:
If you want to contact us but you're in an unsupportive situation, use the link below. It is for an online store completely unrelated to anything Transgender. This way, you will not have something relating to being Transgender in your address book or your email history. Just make sure you add into the body of the email that you're a listener of the podcast.
Option 3:
If you want to reach us directly through social media, just click a button.
Option 4:
You are always welcome to subscribe. You will get emails from the online store. This is primarily for us to know who are listeners of the podcast, and who are just customers of the store.